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Legally Black An Acronym Brave Lift Altruistic Creative and Keen

Services offered by this Community Partner
  • Advocacy
  • Education
Dedicated to unifying modern-day civil rights activists and grassroots organizations, LegallyBLACK focuses on creating awareness of the racial disparities in all governed areas of our society. Our collective efforts help to evoke tangible changes to local, state, & federal laws, city ordinances, contracts and policies to best protect the well-being of Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (or BIPOC). Our mission is to address the ingrained oppression of BIPOC as the foundation of all of our governing systems in America and eliminate all opportunities to continue on this path so all people of color have unconditional legal access to resources, freedom, peace, liberty, and the equal rights to the pursuit of happiness as promised by the laws of this nation. We believe in order to achieve this feat, the BIPOC community needs the open, notorious, and unapologetic support and action of people of all ethnicities, genders, and identities to use their unique powers and ability to start conversations, implement new processes and/or policies, share resources, create safe spaces, uplift the voices of the oppressed/discriminated against/abused, and educate those who are not on the receiving end of this long standing ingrained oppression.
County ServedPierce
Tacoma, WA